St Catherine Laboure’ Catholic Church
WEEKDAY MASSES (followed by Rosary) Monday – Saturday: 9am SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5pm (subject to Daylight Saving refer Parish Bulletin) Sunday: 7.30am, 9.30am & 6pm RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 9am – 10am & 4.30pm – 4.45pm EXPOSITION AND BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENTS: 1st Friday of each month Office Hrs 9am – 1pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Gymea Anglican Church
Gymea Anglican is an active evangelical Christian community of about 400 regular worshippers from all age groups. Weekday and weekend activities include Preschooler’s play groups After school kids club Various teenage and youth groups and camps Women’s craft 40 bible study discussion group 4 Saturday and Sunday meetings. For further details […]
Greek Orthodox Parish Of St Stylianos
Greek Orthodox Parish Of St Stylianos and Chapels of Sts Preter & Paul and St Gregory Palamas. Parish Priest: Father Constantine Varipatis Sunday Service 8am – 11am Adult Youth Fellowship Wed 7.30pm Teenage Youth Fellowship Sat 4.30pm Seniors Group Tues 10am Play Group Thurs 10am Christmas Service Sat 6am